Starting 26 September, Hong Kong took its first steps towards opening up to the rest of the world. The city now only requires people flying in from abroad to only monitor themselves for potential COVID-19 infection for three days as part of efforts to reconnect the city with the rest of the world. National air carrier Cathay Pacific reports they are undergoing a comprehensive recruitment programme, readying themselves for increased demands as the city relaxes its COVID-19 travel restrictions.
Lo Man-tuen, Vice-Chair of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, has said that he expects the central government to take great measures to promote Hong Kong while remaining cautious in reaching the goal of restriction-free travel. Following pressure from the business sector and lawmakers in Hong Kong, the government relaxed its travel restrictions in September.
The final quarter of 2022 will see many exciting finance events in Hong Kong, and China’s anticipated border reopening hopes to attract more visitors for the occasion. Quantifeed is excited about physical events where we can meet with clients, customers, and vendors alike. We look forward to the reignition of energy in the finance and technology space through specialised exhibitions, speaker engagements, industry gatherings, and more.
The recent HK International ICT Expo saw over 34,000 participants over a period of three days. Quantifeed was thrilled to meet and speak with local and international businesses in Hong Kong along with other exhibitors in the space, learning more about up-and-coming tech companies in Hong Kong. This is the first large-scale event for the tech community, signalling the city’s commitment to jumpstarting activity levels in the region after two years of restricted travel.
Landmark summit, the Global Financial Leaders’ Forum, happening in November 2022 moves forward with around 200 participants and top executives from 20 leading global firms who have committed to flying into the city for the gathering. It will bring together a distinguished group of global financial leaders from major institutions including banks, securities firms, private equity and venture capital firms, and insurers. The summit is part of a line-up of events planned to trumpet that the financial hub is open for business (Source).
The highly anticipated Hong Kong FinTech Week 2022 will also see thousands of exhibitors, business leaders, and guests connecting over the latest developments in the FinTech community. Join us at the Hong Kong Stage where John Robson, Chief Commercial Officer at Quantifeed will join a panel of speakers including Sami Abouzahr, Head of Investments & Wealth Solutions, at HSBC, Joyce Leung, Assistant GM, Personal Digital Banking Product Department at Bank of China (HK), and Chen Dong Xia, Deputy GM at Taiping Financial Holdings Company Limited on 1 November 2022 at 2.10pm! The panel will expand on the hybrid wealth management industry, the role of technology, and creating an elevated customer experience. Come visit us at our booth from 31 October until 1 November!